The Brand Narrative is a co-creation workshop that helps you define your brand's voice, personality, and story in just 4 hours.
It's a hybrid workshop that takes activities from the Brand Sprint workshop and Brand Story workshop and combines them in a way that gives a holistic picture of your brand and helps you define how you help your customers achieve success.
We accomplish this by first giving the client team a pre-workshop questionnaire which sets the foundation for our conversations. Then, we utilize the 4 hours of the workshop working together on our Miro board, filling in any holes in the information, elaborating on important details, and voting on solutions wherever necessary.
A comprehensive report that succinctly summarizes the outcomes of each activity we completed during the workshop, which can be used internally and also for external pitches or presentations, which includes:
✔️ Top 3 brand values
✔️ Short statements that define: why your brand exists, how you do what you do, and what exactly it is that you do for your clients
✔️ A diagram with your brand's personality put on different spectrums
✔️ A visualized brand positioning in relation to your competitors
✔️ The hero of your brand story, along with the problems they face
✔️ Empathy and authority building statements
✔️ A clear plan for your ideal client's (or hero's) success
✔️ Direct and transitional CTAs
✔️ Descriptions of success, failure, and transformation of your ideal client
✔️ A one-line, concise expression of your core brand story
Overall shared language and a defined voice to make your brand both consistent and unique.